EdgeHD 14" Lunar Imaging 月面攝影

分類: 觀測報告 Observations
陰天了三個月最近轉晴,剛剛的週日真夠累,午夜前用EdgeHD 14 + Hyperstar用冷凍相機拍深空,到黎明時則換上原來的副鏡及另一個相機拍月面,最後一段影像完成時,其實離日出已不足半小時,天空都已魚肚白了。這次算是滿意,那條寛度不足1公里的阿爾卑斯月谷中央月溪都清晰拍下來了(https://the-moon.us/wiki/Alpine_Valley_Central_Rille),而直壁旁的伯特溪(https://www.skyatnightmagazine.com/astrophotography/moon/rupes-recta-straight-wall/)對今天的器材來說則是輕鬆目標,但已故的香港太空館創館館長廖興齊先生於1971年時用他的12吋卡反因為清晰拍下這條月溪而獲得世界冠軍。拍下弦月的好處是視寧度較好,但代價是很累。以下影像只作初步處理,稍後會再進一步處理出圖。
It has been cloudy for three months, but it has been turned clear recently. Last Sunday was really tiring. Before midnight I used the EdgeHD 14 telescope with a Hyperstar and a cooled camera to image deep space. Then as dawn approached, I switched to the original secondary mirror and another camera to image the moon. By the time I finished the last video shot, there was less than half an hour until sunrise and the sky was already turning bright. I'm satisfied with the results this time. Even the Alpine Valley Central Rille (https://the-moon.us/wiki/Alpine_Valley_Central_Rille), which is less than 1 kilometer wide, was captured clearly in the image. On the other hand, the Rima Birt (https://www.skyatnightmagazine.com/astrophotography/moon/rupes-recta-straight-wall/) next to the Rupes Recta was an easy target for today's equipment, but the late Mr. Joseph Liu, the founding director of the Hong Kong Space Museum, won a world championship in 1971 by capturing a clear image of this lunar feature using his 12-inch Cassegrain telescope. The benefit of imaging the 3rd quarter moon is that the seeing is better, but the problem is that it's very tiring. The following images are only preliminarily processed, and will be further processed into final versions later.

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